進路探求とアイデンティティ探求の相互関連プロセスについて :新しいアイデンティティプロセスモデルの提案

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • The Inter Negotiation Process of Career Exploration andIdentity Exploration : A Proposal Model of Identity Process
  • シンロ タンキュウ ト アイデンティティ タンキュウ ノ ソウゴ カンレン プ



The purpose of this study was to investigate that how identity is explored when adolescents explore their career, to indicate the inter negotiation process of career exploration and identity exploration, and finally, to make a proposal process model of identity exploration. I interviewed with 30 undergraduate students who were forth grade for three occasions in the period. 5 of 30 students were explored their career and identity interactively. So, 5 cases were examined. These cases show that the career exploration and identity exploration ware brought interactively and both explorations were carried out simultaneously. And furthermore, I proposed a process model of identity exploration with these cases. Career exploration process is proceeded in turn as follow; awareness, goal setting, planning, performance, and decision. Then, if incident related to one's self occurs during the career exploration, identity exploration process is proceeded in turn as follow; present identity, novel discovery or rediscovery, evaluation, investment into one's self, and reconstruct. And these exploration processes interact with each other.


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