Consciousness of the Norms and Privatization in Modern Adolescents

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  • <原著>現代青年の規範意識と私生活主義について
  • 現代青年の規範意識と私生活主義について
  • ゲンダイ セイネン ノ キハン イシキ ト シセイカツ シュギ ニ ツイテ

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The purpose of this study is to clarify the social consciousness in modern adolescents from two viewpoints of consciousness of the norms and privatization (focusing on his/her own life). Kuze et al (1987) also investigated it from the points of view and clarified that modern adolescents lay special emphasis on their own senses. But in conceptualizing privatization, apathy and lack of perspective in future were not included. So a part of concept in privatization were corrected and whether the similar results as that of Kuze et al (1987) were obtained was investigated. Now, the questionnaire by Kuze et al (1987) was indicated as Q-A and the questionnaire in this study, as Q-C. The subjects in Q-A were 802 undergraduates (557 boys and 245 girls) and in Q-C, 1210 undergraduates (832 boys and 378 girls). Factor analysis revealed that three factors existed in the social consciousness in modern adolescents. Factor I was labeled "respect for the norms", Factor II was labeled "focusing on his/her own life vs. indifferent to the social affairs", and Factor III was labeled "emphasis on one's own senses". Overall, the similar results were obtained from Q-A and Q-C. That is, it was reconfirmed that the primary characteristic of modern adolescents was to lay special emphasis on their own senses.


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