日中両国の報道版画 : 19世紀末に現れた錦絵と年画にみる日清戦争の描き方を中心に

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Contrastive study of the Japanese color woodblock print(錦絵) and the Chinese New Year picture(年画) around First Sino-Japanese war(1894-1895)
  • ニッチュウ リョウコク ノ ホウドウ ハンガ : 19セイキマツ ニ アラワレタ ニシキエ ト ネンガ ニ ミル ニッシン センソウ ノ エガキ カタ オ チュウシン ニ



During the Sino-Japanese War, decorative paintings by the Chinese and Japanese were presented as reports of the war for both country’s people, while each developed under different environments in both countries. The painters of both nations recorded the same battle using the same technique of multicolor wood engraving in the same period. These prints undertook the role of the mass media – passing on information, and satisfying the public’s appetite for more. The role which each undertook, and the popular acceptance of this medium, saw them become different things reflecting the painter's thoughts. The information acquired through them was used to influence the feelings of people who lived in both countries, and this affected the formation of the image.


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