母親の主観性を捉える試み : 共通のビデオクリップを使用した実験的方法の妥当性

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Mothers' Subjectivity in Mother-Infant Interaction : The Validity of Experimental Method
  • ハハオヤ ノ シュカンセイ オ トラエル ココロミ キョウツウ ノ ビデオクリップ オ シヨウ シタ ジッケンテキ ホウホウ ノ ダトウセイ



This study examined methodological validity and its limitation of measuring mothers' subjectivity and perception of infants' emotion. Fourteen mothers of nine month old infants were participated semi-structured interview. They were showed short video clips of mother-infant interaction which were videotaped before the interview, and infants of nine month old who were not mothers' own children. After they were showed each video clip of mother-infant interaction, they were asked why they would select such a response for the infant. After they were showed each video clip of strange infant, they were asked what they would do in such situation and they were also asked the same question above. The contents abstracted from the later question were compared between the video clips of mother-infant interaction and those of strange infant. Mothers' responses were coded when they referred one of the following categories; infants' emotion, infants' behavior, mothers' own subjectivity, child-care experiences, and surroundings of the infants. The results showed that mothers' subjectivity to the infants was abstracted by the interview showing video clips of strange infants as much as by the interview showing their own infants, although infants' emotions were much more abstracted by using strange infants. It was suggested that experimental method using video clips of strange infants would be useful to abstract mothers' subjectivity and perception of infants' emotion. The limitation and future direction were discussed.




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