

  • ヨウホレンケイガタ ニンテイ コドモエン ニ オケル ジッシュウ ジッシ ノ ゲンジョウ ト カダイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ
  • Research into the Current Status and Future Tasks of Teacher Training Conducted in Certified Centers for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)



子ども・子育て支援新制度実施に伴い保育実習実施基準が2015年に一部改正され,幼保連携型認定こども園は保育実習と教育実習の実施可能な施設となった。本研究では幼保連携型認定こども園での実習状況を全国規模で調査し実習の現状と課題を明らかにすることを目的とした。全国保育士養成協議会会員校のうち大学・短大から250校に協力依頼し質問紙法により調査した。2017年11月に郵送法による配布・回収を行った。その結果,実習実施計画を有する養成校と実習施設の実施計画に従う養成校があった。保育実習と教育実習との違いを学生や実習施設に説明して実習を行う必要があること,同一学生が同一施設で両実習を実施することへの検討が課題としてあげられた。 Along with the implementation of a new child-rearing support system in 2015, the nursery school-teacher training criteria was partially revised. As a result, certified centers for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) are now permitted to act as training facilities for nursing care and education. In this research project, we carried out a nation-wide examination of how training was conducted within ECEC centers, with the goal of clarifying the current status of teacher training and future tasks that should be addressed. We requested the cooperation of 250 universities and junior colleges, which are member schools of the National Childcare Worker Education Council, and conducted a survey by administering questionnaires. We distributed and collected the questionnaires via mail in November, 2017. Results showed that some vocational schools had training implementation plans, while others followed the implementation plans of training institutions. With respect to future tasks, we found the following: first, it is necessary to clarify the difference between nursing care training and early childhood education training for students and training institutions; and second, the future possibility of the same student undertaking both forms of training at the same institution should be considered.


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