- タイトル別名
- A psychosomatic study of anorexia nervosa, with particular attention to the deveropmental aspect. Part 2 Female adult cases of anorexia nervosa
- ハッタツテキ カンテン カラ ミタ シンケイセイ ショクヨク フシンショウ ノ
Following the previous report in which analysis of two female adolescent cases was described, two female adult cases were presented in this report. The summery as follows: 1) Onset of two cases is in their early twenties, coincided with their inter-personal conflicts at work and in the family in law. Morbid condition of each case has been unchanged todate, over the age of fourty; case 1 presents chronic anorexia with bulimia and case 2 presents chronic anorexia without bulimia. 2) There was the evidence of immaturity of heterosexual object-relationship which originated from the disturbed father-daughter interaction, together with the evidence of a disturbed female identification as seen in the adolescent group. 3) Self-starvation of each case appears to have similar psychological meaning as seen in the adolescent cases; retaliation towards the mother of each patient and compensatory aim in the dependancy need. However, keeping a pride in pubertal competitions such as a pursuit in the slim body image may shift to a phobic avoidance of gastro-intestinal dyscomfort. Eventully poor motivation for treatment aimed at tackling the adolescent maturational problems seems to be the core of the disorder.
- 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
岡山大学温泉研究所報告 53 17-21, 1983-03-25
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390853649478443392
- 120006849346
- AN00032853
- 03697142
- 10.18926/21117
- 2625610
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles