Activities of the wintering party at Syowa Station by the 38th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition, 1997 - 1998

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  • ダイ38ジ ナンキョク チイキ カンソクタイ ショウワキチ エットウ ホウコク 1997-1998
  • 第38次南極地域観測隊昭和基地越冬報告1997-1998

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第38次南極地域観測隊昭和基地越冬隊31名は, 1997年2月1日から翌年1月31日まで1年間昭和基地での越冬観測を実施した。今次隊より, 研究観測は, 新しくプロジェクトとモニタリングの2本立てで計画され, 多彩な観測が実施された。プロジェクト研究観測では「東南極のリソスフィアの構造と進化の研究(シール計画)」「南極大気・物質循環観測」が重点的課題であり, 前者は夏期のアムンゼン湾域での調査が, 後者はドームふじ観測拠点での観測が中心となったが, 昭和基地での越冬中も関連観測が多く行われた。また, モニタリング研究観測としては, これまで定常観測として行われていた地震観測の他, オーロラ光学観測, 大気微量成分観測, 生態系モニタリング, 衛星データ受信等, 地球環境の長期的監視が必要な観測を着実に推進した。野外へは, 数多くの沿岸露岩域への生物, 地学調査や, みずほルートでの地球物理観測旅行が行われた他, 航空機観測も精力的に実施した。3年目のドームふじ観測拠点での越冬観測が続いていたため, これを支えるための夏期の人員・物資輸送の旅行に加え, 越冬中も補給旅行を実施した。10月から11月にかけ, 44日間の長期旅行となり, 8名が参加, 燃料補給等を行った。これらの基地, 野外観測を支えるための設営作業も多忙をきわめた。昭和基地整備計画に基づく, 新居住棟の建設が夏期間から続き, 6月に完成, 入居となった。基地施設は着々と整備が進んでいるが, それだけに維持管理の仕事量は増加し, 設備面で追いつかない面も見られた。野外活動のための雪上車類の整備, 旅行準備も大仕事であった。環境保護を目指し, 不用建物の解体, 廃棄物持ち帰りに努めた。大きな障害もなく進んだ越冬と思われたが, 11月末になって急病人が発生した。「しらせ」の昭和基地への急行を要請し, 病気の隊員は「しらせ」により予定を変更して南アフリカ, ケープタウンへ搬送, 帰国させた。

The 38th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) dispatched two wintering parties, to Syowa and Dome Fuji Stations, respectively, in Antarctica. This report describes the activities of the JARE-38 wintering party at Syowa Station. The wintering party at Syowa Station consisting of 31 personnel, carried out observation programs from February 1,1997 to January 31,1998. Many observations were conducted under both the routine observation program and two special research programs, called the "project observation program" and the "monitoring observation program". The major projects were "Structure and Evolution of East Antarctic Lithosphere project", of which a large part was conducted in the Amundsen Bay area by the summer party, and the "observation project on Atmospheric Circulation and Material Cycle in the Antarctic", of which part was conducted at Dome Fuji Station. Long term monitoring of the global environment, such as observations of atmospheric minor constituents and ecological monitoring, were conducted together with auroral optical observation and seismological observation which had been continued under the routine program. Field surveys of geophysics and ecology on the bare rock areas were frequently conducted, as well as geophysical traverse observations were made on the route from Syowa to Mizuho Station. Extensive airborne observations were made using small aircraft. In order to support the wintering at Dome Fuji Station, 1000km from Syowa Station, together with a trip to transport wintering members and supplies in the austral summer, another supply trip to Dome Fuji was carried out to transport supplies and fuel in the austral spring of 1997. Eight members from Syowa Station joined the trip which took 44 days in October and November. Logistic support for these observation programs and field operations was also a large task for the party. Following the plan to repair the station, construction of a new living hut was started in summer and completed in June, enabled 21 personnel to live in comfort. Station facilities have been greatly improved; however, more maintenance work is needed. Maintenance of over snow vehicles for field observation and preparation for the long traverse trip was also a large part of logistic work. For environmental protection, old buildings were demolished and waste was brought back to Japan. At the end of November, sudden illness occurred at the station, urgent arrival of RV SHIRASE was requested and the patient was transported to Cape Town, South Africa, and then to Japan.


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