The Ecology and Control of the Naturalized Weeds Barbarea vulgaris R. Br., Anthemis cotula L., and Matricaria inodora L. in the Northeastern Part of Japan

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  • 東北地方における帰化雑草ハルザキヤマガラシおよびカミツレ類の生態と防除
  • トウホク チホウ ニ オケル キカ ザッソウ ハルザキヤマガラシ オヨビ カミツレルイ ノ セイタイ ト ボウジョ

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Three naturalized weeds, Barbarea vulgaris R. Br., Anthemis cotula L., and Matricaria inodora L., that invaded from Europe are widespread in Tohoku, in the northeastern part of Japan. In this study, a control strategy based on the ecological traits of these naturalized weeds is presented. B. vulgaris alters its major reproductive mode of perennial or annual depending on the nature of its habitat in levees or wheat fields. The B. vulgaris population in tilled wheat fields is almost entirely maintained by sexual reproduction. In the Tohoku region, A. cotula emerges most frequently in the fall and spring. The overwintered adult plants arising from the seedlings emerge in the fall and become a serious problem in the spring in wheat fields. In the wheat fields, the three weed species were controlled effectively by the application of linuron(1,000 g a.i. ha^<-1>)to the soil immediately after sowing, the application of ioxynil(600g a.i. ha^<-1>)in early November, corresponding to the end of the annual emergence period of these species, and the employment of either inter-row cultivation or the application of ioxynil(600g a.i. ha^<-1>)in early May. The emergence and spread of the three weed species can be controlled by using a combination of any two of the three methods mentioned above.



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