Effect of low potassium diet feeding on urine volume reduction for lactating dairy cows

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  • 低カリウム飼料の給与が泌乳牛の尿量低減化に及ぼす効果
  • テイカリウム シリョウ ノ キュウヨ ガ ヒニュウギュウ ノ ニョウリョウ テイゲンカ ニ オヨボス コウカ

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The practical low potassium (K) diet that was prepared by actively utilizing the feed sources with low K content as roughage and formula feed was fed to 4 lactating dairy cows and examined whether urine volume could decrease effectively without damaging milk production. Two feed treatments were arranged that control diet (1.80% of K) was used Italian ryegrass silage and alfalfa hay cube as roughage and low K diet (1.19% of K) was used corn silage as roughage and brewer's grain as one of formula feed ingredients in order to decrease K content of diet. Dry matter intake and thereby milk yield were significantly lower for cows fed control diet compared to low K diet, although there were no differences in milk composition rates and digestibility between two diets. This difference observed in dry matter intake was attributed to poor in palatability of Italian ryegrass silage used for control diet, so it was deemed at least that low K diet did not exert adversely effects on feeding and milk production of cows. While fecal water excretion was not affected by feed treatments, urinary water excretion significantly decreased from 15.6 kg/day in control diet to 9.2 kg/day in low K diet. On the other hand, since total water intake did not increase in cows fed low K diet despite the increments of dry matter intake and milk yield, it was guessed that voluntary drinking water intake might be decreasing associated with the reduction of urinary water excretion in low K diet. It was thought that the homeostasis of electrolyte and nitrogen was maintained even when cows were fed low K diet, because there were no differences in plasma mineral concentrations, osmolarity, and urea concentration between two diets. These observations suggested that the decrease of urine volume induced by reduction of K intake was a physiological reaction in lactating dairy cow. Additionally, even though K intakes were reduced when cow fed low K diets, the total sodium intakes included salt block by cows were not increased.

粗飼料および濃厚飼料にカリウム (K) 含量の少ない飼料資源を積極的に活用した実用的な低K飼料を泌乳牛4頭に給与し, 生産性を損なうことなく効果的に尿量を減少させることができるか検証した。粗飼料源にイタリアンライグラスサイレージおよびアルファルファヘイキューブを使用した対照飼料区 (K 含量1.80%) と, K含量を低減するために粗飼料源をコーンサイレージとし, 配合原料にもビール粕を利用した低K飼料区 (同1.19%) の2区を設定した。両飼料区の乳成分率と成分消化率には差がなかったが, 乾物摂取量は低K飼料区よりも対照飼料区の方が少なく, これを反映して乳量も対照飼料区の方が少なかった。この違いは対照飼料区で使用したイタリアンライグラスサイレージの嗜好性が悪かったことに起因するものであったが, 少なくとも低K飼料の給与が乳牛の採食性と生産性に悪影響を与えることはなかったものと判断された。糞中への水分排せつ量は両飼料区で違いがなかったが, 尿中への水分排せつ量は対照飼料区の15.6kg/ 日から, 低K飼料の給与によって9.2kg/ 日まで有意に減少した。一方, 低K飼料区は乾物摂取量と乳量が対照飼料区よりも多かったにもかかわらず, 総水分摂取量が対照飼料区と変わらなかったことから, 低K飼料区では尿量の減少に伴って自発的な飲水量の減少があったと推察された。加えて, 血漿中のミネラル濃度と浸透圧および尿素濃度は両飼料区間に差がなく, 低K飼料給与時も電解質と窒素の恒常性は保たれていたと考えられた。これらの結果はK低減による泌乳牛の尿量減少が生理的な反応であったことを示唆している。また, 両飼料区の固形塩も含めた総ナトリウム (Na) 摂取量に有意な差は観察されず, K摂取量減少が代償的なNa摂取量の増加を引き起こすことはなかった。


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