
DOI 機関リポジトリ Web Site オープンアクセス


  • 'Influence of e-WOM on International Tourism Behaviour:An Empirical Research on e-WOM Usage by Japanese Tourists in Taiwan
  • アウトバウンド カンコウ コウドウ ニ タイスル ネットクチ コミ ノ エイキョウ : ニホンジン ノ タイワン カンコウ ニ オケル ネットクチ コミ リヨウ ノ ゲンジョウ



A large number of Japanese tourists visit international destinations. In recent years, about 15 million Japanese have toures abroad. Therefore, it is important to understand the tourists' behaviour concerning decisions such as where to go, what to see, and what to eat. Without a doubt, it has extensively changed in this decade owing to the electronic eord of mouth (e-WOM), propagated by the increased popularity of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. Moreover, social networking services (SNS) connect people all over the world, and people can easily share information about places and things that are far-flung. The information through SNS has increasingly influenced people in tourist context. Furthermore, how they satisfy their trip is dependent on the degree of SNS using. In this study, we researched how tourist use e-WOM. We focused on Japanese tourists in Taiwan. The analysis showed a pattern linking onformation usage to type of tour chosen. The type of tour: full-package, semi-pakage, skeleton, or self designed, changed hoe used e-WOM. These were mostly influenced by word of mouth information (including e-WOM), and least dependent on traditional information. We also found a corelation between the usage of SNS and the level of satisfuction of trip. Tourists that used information from SNS on the spot were more satisfied with the trip than non-user. Whether they posted e-WOM on SNS did not changed the satisfaction level, on the other hand, the response from other people to their e-WOM increased their satisfaction. Our research suggests that e-WOM is an effective way to attract tourists and boost their satisfaction.




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