Branching Characteristics of Primary Branch and Primary Roots of Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) Cultivars

  • Shirota Tetsuo
    Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • Tashiro Naoaki
    Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • Gyokusenn Koichiro
    Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • Saito Akira
    Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University

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  • スギ品種の一次枝,一次根の分岐特性
  • スギ品種の1次枝,1次根の分岐特性
  • スギ ヒンシュ ノ 1ジシ 1ジコン ノ ブンキ トクセイ

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Branching characteristics of primary branches and primary roots were studied in three types of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) differed in their growth patterns and crown form; two cultivars (cv. Ayasugi and cv. Shakain) and a seedling. Primary branches and roots were cut into pieces of 20cm in length, Each piece was classified as a branch unit or root unit. Top cross-sectional areas (T), bottom cross-sectional areas(B), and divergence cross-sectional areas (S) of the units were measured. The simple pipe model relation (T+S=B) was applied to branch units. The pipe model of tree form (T+S≦B)was applied to root units. The results indicated that fine root death occurs more frequently than branch death. Rates of fine root death calculated from 1-(T+S)/B, were high in seedling, and small in cv. Ayasugi and cv. Shakain. Relationships between T/S ratio and B of branch and root units were analyzed in order to compare the strength of apical domillance among the sample trees. T/S ratio of branch units increased proportionally to growth of the primary branch. Differences of the increase rates among sample trees indicated that the decreasing order of strength of apical dominance is as fol1ows:Shakain> seedling>Ayasugi. Apical dolninance was not significant in the root system, as the T/S ratio was not related to the growth of the primary root.


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