「まじめ」の原型意味論 : 大学生質問紙調査に見られる規範意識


  • Prototype semantics of the Japanese word majime : Norm consciousness observed in a survey of university students
  • マジメ ノ ゲンケイ イミロン ダイガクセイ シツモンシ チョウサ ニ ミラレル キハン イシキ





Saitama University

Kakusan Co., Ltd.


The Japanese word majime may mean either 'earnest' or 'normative' depending on the context. In a previous paper Yamanaka (1997) argued that these two meanings could be derived from one sememe 'ready to behave in accordance with an accepted standard, based on a full knowledge of that standard'. Based on this, we formulated a prototype for majime, consisting of two elements: the fulfillment of a self standard and that of a social standard. In this paper, we examine actual uses of majime based on a survey of 119 university students. First, hypothetical situations which described acts embodying four combinations of these two elements were presented to subjects, to be judged on the degree to which the character in the situation could be said to be majime. The situations containing and lacking both elements received the highest and lowest scores respectively. Also, the situations only fulfilling a social standard received higher scores than those only fulfilling a self standard. Next, subjects were asked how pleasant they felt if they were told that they were majime/fumajime. On the whole, the responses to majime showed higher scores than the responses to fumajime, but only slightly higher than the score corresponding to the response "I can't say". We conclude not only that the prototype theory of majime is confirmed but also that university students are sensitive to social standards included in the meaning of the word majime, which should be mentioned in its semantic description in dictionaries.



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