グループ箱庭を用いた教育相談研修における教師の体験と気づき : 作品およびインタビューの分析から


  • Experience and awareness of teachers in educational consultation training using Group Sandplay: consideration of works and interviews
  • グループ ハコニワ オ モチイタ キョウイク ソウダン ケンシュウ ニ オケル キョウシ ノ タイケン ト キズキ : サクヒン オヨビ インタビュー ノ ブンセキ カラ



This research considered the effect of educational consultation training using Group Sandplay on teachers. In this research, 6 teachers participated the training group and they practiced Group Sandplay 4 times for 7 months. In the process of Group Sandplay, each member had gradually become able to act like herself. And in the interview after the training group, they told that they felt various things about others and themselves from the experience and got deeper awareness of themselves through the Group Sandplay. By sharing experiences over time and showing inner world little by little to each other, they could build a relationship of trust and had a sense of unity, which seemed to have helped bring about these changes. These results suggest that Group Sandplay could promote teacher's self-understanding and understanding of others. Therefore, it can be inferred that the training using Group Sandplay has a certain effect on improving the ability of educational counseling of teachers.




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