アメリカ合衆国州名と州民名に関する一考察 : 形態、意味、音韻の構成について


  • A Study on Names of States and their Residents in the United States : Morphological, Semantic and Phonological Analyses
  • アメリカ ガッシュウコク シュウメイ ト シュウミンメイ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ ケイタイ イミ オンイン ノ コウセイ ニ ツイテ



I have been studying English word formation of the words designating natives and residents. The vocabulary on nations and races of the world were examined in the paper titled "A Morphological and Phonological Study of Names for Nationals and Races" (S. Sunaga, 1995). This paper handles the residents of states of the United States of America. The nation of the United States of America has often been called "a melting pot" and recently "a mosaic nation." American people today consist of different races who immigrated to and ethnic people who originated in the "New World" at various historical stages. History tells us about the organization of the first 13 states and development to the present 50 states. Settlers who built the colonies seemed to use the names of their king, queen, of governors. During the War of Independence and the Civil War, names of generals or commanders were supposed to the attached to the newly divided or incorporated states. How the settlers and immigrants constituted and named their new land and also entitled their local identities are my focus in this study. State names are first examined from the morphological and semantic points of view. Then attention will be given to phonetic production.




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