

  • レーザー ソッキョギ ニヨル キオン ノ ソクテイ
  • A new use of laser ranging for air temperature measurement



Laser ranging has been carried out from the Crustal Activity Observatory of Shizuoka University in the Udo Hills (105.83 m in altitude) to the Advertising Tower of Tokai University on Yatsuyama Hill (108 m in altitude and 3708.568 m from the Crustal Activity Observatory) and the Microwave Relay Antenna of NTT on Yambara Hill (448 m in altitude and 10552.989 m from the Crustal Activity Observatory). The ranging was done 4 times for intervals of 24 hours of continuous manual measurements in April and May 1995,and automatic measurements at 10 minute intervals from January to March 1996. Autoranger JX, manufactured by Rokuoh Precision, Inc., was used for the laser ranging. The average distance and standard deviation was obtained for the set of 10 measurements. The confidence limits of 67% for the average distance, Ds, are 1 ± 0.8 mm. The meteorologic correction to obtain the real distance, D, from the measured distance, Ds, is formulated as follows. D=DS+DS X (310.0-(106.339xP-15.026xE)/(273.15+T))x10^<-6> where, P, E and T are air pressure in mmHg, vapor pressure of air in mmHg, and air temperature in ℃, respectively. The corrections for temperature, pressure and humidity are 4 mm/℃, 1.4mm/10mmHg and 0.3mm/10%, respectively. The meterologic correction should be done on the laser path in the sky. The correction for vapor pressure is not significant compared with the confidence limits of ranging, and the pressure on the laser path can be estimated with sufficient accuracy from the pressure measured on the surface. However, it is difficult to estimate the temperature on the laser path with an accuracy better than 0.2℃. If the real distance D does not change, the temperature on the laser path Tc can be calculate from the laser ranging distance, Ds, and the air pressure and vapor pressure measured on the surface using following equation : Tc = (106.339xP-15.026xE)/(310.0+(Ds-D)x10_6/Ds)-273.15 The calculated temperatures Tc from laser ranging, air pressure and vapor pressure measured at the Shizuoka Meteorological Observatory of the Japan Meteorological Agency were compared with the air temperature measured at the Shizuoka Meteological Observatory. Stratification of the air column by solar radiation during day time and surficial cooling by radiation at night time were observed. Heat haze by surface heating from solar radiation was detected by the apparent cooler temperature of the laser path corresponding to a longer laser path and large standard deviation of the calculated temperature. Laser ranging is thus a useful tool not only to detect crustal movement but also to measure air temperature on the laser path with an accuracy better than 0.2℃.


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