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type:TOHO University Scholarly Publication


近年の肝臓領域における低侵襲性手術は普及され,最小限の創で最大限の治療効果をもたらすための努力と工夫から,開腹術との比較において低侵襲そのものを強調するより,出血量の減少,術後合併症軽減や在院期間短縮さらには非劣性の長期成績の報告も増えてきている.一方で肝胆膵領域の腹腔鏡手術への無理な適応拡大から不幸な結果を招いた事例が倫理上の管理も含めて社会問題となった.腹腔鏡下肝切除では通常の開腹手術に比べ難易度は高く,その手技の習得にはより多くの時間を要する.症例ごとに外科医自身の手術技量を考慮して,より慎重に適応を検討することが重要である.さらに本術式では強くラーニングカーブが関与するため,適切な指導のもとでの教育も極めて重要となっている.最近では多施設共同研究による大規模なpropensity score matching analysisも行われ,より高いエビデンスの獲得へ向けて努力も続いている.2015年10月より肝臓内視鏡外科研究会では腹腔鏡下肝切除術の全症例の前向きレジストリーを開始した.2016年4月には,肝亜区域切除術,区域切除術,肝切除術の全ての術式が保険収載されることになった.今後,これらの取り組みから患者への安全性を担保し,新しい術式に対する社会への透明性を上げ,公正で幅広いデータを蓄積し,術式に対する理解を深めてもらうことで,腹腔鏡下肝切除の正しい評価と安心・安全な普及を望んでいる.Laparoscopic liver resection (LLR) is a highly specialized field; however, because of continuing technologic development and improvements in endoscopic procedures, the number of LLRs is increasing. Recent systematic reviews, meta-analyses of observational data, and large-scale multicenter Japanese studies using propensity score matching have confirmed the minimal invasiveness of LLR for early liver disease and that LLR results in less estimated blood loss, lower risks of complications, and no oncologic disadvantage. Although prospective randomized trials have not yet been conducted, LLR is expected to develop further as a method of improving patient quality of life. Nevertheless, LLR will not totally supplant open liver surgery, and major LLR remains technically challenging. Recent media coverage of deaths after major LLR have increased concerns regarding LLR in Japan. The success of LLR is strongly related to the surgeon's learning curve and knowledge of the correct indications. An online prospective registry system for LLR was established in 2015, to ensure information transparency for candidates for this new and technically demanding procedure. On April 1, 2016, all types of liver resection, except LLR with bile duct resection, were made eligible for reimbursement by the Japanese national health insurance system. Recognition of LLR as a standard surgical method is increasing. Uptake of LLR will be increased by mastery of surgical skills, compliance with LLR indications, and maintenance of minimal invasiveness and safety. These are the fundamental principles of laparoscopic surgery.


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