[実践報告] 「持続可能な教職キャリア」支援としての新任教員訪問事業


  • Visiting New Alumni Teachers for Sustainable Teacher Careers




This paper reports a program Visiting New Alumni Teachers for Sustainable Teacher Careers which Konan University Teacher Education Center has conducted over the past five years.Teacher education instructors and full-time faculty members visit schools where new graduates have just started teaching and are likely to be unconfident at the starting point of their teacher life. The instructors and faculty members interview managers, mainly the principal, and the graduates to observe the current situation. In recent years, there have been a growing number of cases in which they can visit the new teachers'classes.The reports after the visits show the evaluation points and issues that the managers focus, and how the new graduate teachers themselves recognize the relationships with colleagues and students, and related issues. The significance of the project includes (1) gaining understandings by schools about the need for continuous support after graduation and being able to form the basis of a system to support new teachers collaboratively, (2) being able to assess the achievements and issues of the teacher education at the university, (3) being able to make opportunities to connect the university and alumni concerning their job as a teacher, (4) being able to improve daily instruction and support programs as well as the curriculum at the university through the understanding of the situation at the schools.


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