Conditioning and flexibility test in the fencer : Result of educational self-conditioning

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  • フェンシング選手におけるコンディショニングと柔軟性テスト : 教育的指導に配慮したセルフコンディショニングの成果

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The purpose of this study was to observe and investigate athletes using a flexibility test effects on their flexibility, self-conditioning in the off-season of the university (Hosei University) fencers. The flexibility test used five different kinds of conditioning exercise. They conditioned by doing the Heel-Buttock Distance: HBD, Finger Vertebral Distance: FVD, Twisting of the Trunk: TOT, Ankle Joint Dorsiflexion : AJD. The following results were provided As a result of having examined FVD, subjects break for line group around the shoulder when voluntary conditioning to do is more likely to carry it out. However, a meaningful change was not seen in HBD, SLR, TOT, AJD. It was suggested that subjects might not condition the muscle of the lower limbs in fencing voluntarily. In addition, the ability of HBD of subjects was low. Therefore I think that subjects must make an effort to improve ability of HBD more. The important conclusion in this study is the AJD showed meaningful decrease. In addition, SLR and TOT did not change, because they performed intense physical training, and the muscle was extremely fatigued. I believe that the fatigue did not come by extreme conditioning alone. The flexibility test evaluated fatigue of the muscle, and it was suggested that it was effective to promote self-conditioning.


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