人間の尊厳概念への「消極的アプローチ」の検討 : 尊厳概念を応用倫理学の諸領域で使用するために


  • Examination of the Negative Approach to the Concept of Human Dignity : For the Use of the Concept across the Fields of Applied Ethics
  • ニンゲン ノ ソンゲン ガイネン エ ノ 「 ショウキョクテキ アプローチ 」 ノ ケントウ : ソンゲン ガイネン オ オウヨウ リンリガク ノ ショ リョウイキ デ シヨウ スル タメニ



In recent years, the Concept of human dignity is controversial. R. Macklin holds that the concept is useless, and L. R. Kass opposes Macklin's idea. Kass thinks that the concept is neces sary and very important. They both assume that dignity is a concept on bioethics. However, human dignity is not a concept which belongs to one section of applied ethics. On the other hand, Ralf Stoecker advocates the negative approach in order to defend the concept of human dignity. This approach is a method of starting the investigation from considerations of violations of human dignity. It also considers the scope of this concept in many fields of applied ethics, and takes into consideration the historical connection with the tradition of the concept This negative approach is good for extensive usages of the concept, but it is criticized by Marcus Dliwell. Duwell criticized that this approach, though useful as introduction for understanding, is invalid qua a strategy to develop the concept of human dignity. To be sure, it cannot be denied that the negative approach has difficulties. However, in my view, this approach can become an effective method for using the concept of human dignity extensively. Moreover, it can be interpreted as one methodology for the comprehensive theory of the concept. It elaborates the concept newly and continuously by discussing examples of violations of human dignity. By interpreting in this way, the negative approach can respond to Duwell's criticism. And the perspective which uses the concept of human dignity across the fields of applied ethics is opened.


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