A case study of a renewable energy project using "Solar Sharing" model at Minamisoma City

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英文:This paper aims to report the case study of a renewable energy project in Minamisōma City, Fukushima prefecture, Japan. Minamisōma City sustained multiple damages resulting from the tsunami and nuclear power plant accident that occurred with the Great East Japan Earthquake. After the disaster, the citizens were confronted with a population decline, curtailment of agricultural products, and more. Facing such difficulties, the citizens took voluntary actions towards local regeneration. As a part of these activities, a citizen group has been formed for the renewable energy project. In the spring of 2013, the group established the Eco-energy Minamisōma Research Institute, a general incorporated association. Additionally, they supported the construction of a solar power plant in the autumn of that year. The characteristics of the Institute are as follows. Firstly, the Institute has attempted to construct a scheme so that farmers can generate a second income from the renewable energy business, as well as work on their agriculture, using a model called "solar sharing." Secondly, the Institute has attempted to provide technical and financial support to local residents who have wished to establish a renewable energy business. These attempts are made as the Institute aims to involve a wide range of local residents. Despite struggling with the legal restraints of farmland and the establishment of operational systems, the Institute continues to proactively work toward local regeneration.


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