Eco-Efficiency and Environmental Capacity

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  • 環境効率性と環境容量
  • カンキョウ コウリツセイ ト カンキョウ ヨウリョウ

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Eco-efficiency is the indicator of environmental management system in the firm. The definition of that is a relative measure of the economic performances and the environmental performances. But the environmental capacity is an absolute measure. Then a high level in the eco-efficiency could mean a high level in environmental impact. The purpose of our research is a theoretical analysis of an eco-efficiency and eco-capacity. Our research use the linear joint production system introduced waste disposal technique. We assume the steady-state and the sustainable condition.The main conclusion of our research is that a high level in the eco-efficiency could mean a high level in environmental impact in some conditions. We should very carefully use an eco-efficiency.


  • 経済志林

    経済志林 71 (2・3), 57-68, 2003-12-20


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