Nerve placement of cerebral motor cortex and output of a muscle contraction signal

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  • 大脳皮質運動野の神経配置と筋収縮信号の出力
  • ダイノウヒシツ ウンドウヤ ノ シンケイ ハイチ ト キンシュウシュク シンゴウ ノ シュツリョク

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Voluntary movement is performed by coordinated action of several muscles.Even during simple movement such as finger tapping, it is not performed by single muscular contraction. Therefore the brain region where controls coordinated muscles to carry out voluntary movement must be activated activity. Activated region and degree are different by movement forms and movement frequency. Relationship between movement and brain activity is gradually becoming clear. However, every phenomenon of movement control is not known yet. There is blood flow distribution in brain during movement. Currently, a point of view that blood flow of the whole brain does not increase drastically by simple movement dominant. This knowledge suggests the possibility that blood flow distribution in brain changes into within movement. That is to say, the increase and decrease of blood volume may occur by each movement in cerebral region. To make clear the relationship between movement and brain activity, it will be necessary for investigations about blood flow distribution in brain with movement. In addition, we discussed Nerve placement of cerebral motor cortex and output of a muscle contraction signal.


  • 健康科学

    健康科学 27 1-12, 2005-03-25

    Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University

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