看護倫理教育に向けた臨地実習の位置づけに関する研究 : 臨地実習における学生の人間欲求構造の分析

DOI HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • A Study on the Position of Nursing Ethics in Clinical Nursing Practice : Analysis of Structure of Human Needs of Students in Clinical Nursing Practice
  • カンゴロンリキョウイクニムケタリンジジッシュウノイチヅケニカンスルケンキュウ : リンジジッシュウニオケルガクセイノニンゲンヨッキュウコウゾウノブンセキ
  • カンゴ リンリ キョウイク ニ ムケタリンチ ジッシュウ ノ イチヅケ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ リンチ ジッシュウ ニ オケル ガクセイ ノ ニンゲン ヨッキュウ コウゾウ ノ ブンセキ



This paper is to analyze students' reports on nursing ethics. Frequency of words used by students in Clinical Nursing Practice was analyzed by means of WORD-SEP(frequency of word program). This is an adaptation of Zipf's law. Zipf interpreted this fact as a factor expressing the fundamental basis of human behavior for “least effort”. This program analyzed the structure of the word frequencies in computer programming languages and manuals of computer by the same method as Zipf's. I could approach the study of the structure of human needs of students in Clinical Nursing Practice. The result of analysis showed that these words such as “kanja”, “kango”, “enjoy” contained the arguments towards the problems.The view of nursing ethics was to assess the students' understanding of ‘patient-centered’of clinical practice of nursing. From these observations, I could approach the study of structure of the position of nursing ethics in clinical nursing practice.


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