アカ- ゼの生活史

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  • The life history of a Goby, Chaeturichthys hexanema Bleeker
  • アカハゼの生活史
  • アカハゼ ノ セイカツシ



Chaeturichithys hexanema Bleeker is widely distributed in Japan, Korea, and Southern China. It is one of the common sea gobies in Japan throughout. It lives the bottom-life on the sandy mud-bottom of the coastal water of some 5~50 meters deep. It is caught mainly by the small trawl-net all the year round (Fig. 1). The spawning season seems to extend from February to May in Kyushu and Seto Island Sea. The fertilized egg by artificial insemination is ellipsoid, 2.9 mm in long axis and 0.8 mm in short axis; and has adhesive filaments at its basal end. The incubation-period is about 10*1/2 days at the temperature 14~17℃ (Fig. 2). The number of the ovarian eggs is given in Table 1 (1,731~19,258). The newly hatched larva is 4.2 mm in total length; and the yolk is absorbed in 7 days. The larvae, 10.8~24.0 mm in total length, live a pelagic life in the coastal water where the adult fish live, feeding on planktonic copepods. The juveniles, over 21 mm in total length, are found to carry the bottom-life. They appear from May to June in Fukuoka Bay, Kyushu (Fig. 3). The goby attains about 135 mm in total length in one year and becomes mature. In two years, it attains the length of 155 mm. The life-span seems to be over three years.

アカハゼ Chaeturichthys hexanema Bleeker はこれ迄に朝鮮, 日本(北は北海道から南は宮崎県まで) 及び南支部の各地に分布している事が報告されている. 最大全長180mm を越える比較的大型のハゼで, 日本の各地では沿岸の水深 5~50m で底質が砂泥質の水域で底棲生活を営み, ハゼ類の中では深い所で生活する部類にはいる. 沿岸の打瀬網や小型機船底曳網で周年に亘つて獲られる他にアナゴ類, カレイ質, マハゼ等を獲る底延縄によつても混獲される. 美味ではないが惣菜として食用に供されている. ここでは瀬戸内海及び九州各地で得た材料によつてアカハゼの生活史の大要を述べるが, 本研究に当り懇切な御指導と原稿の御校閲を頂いた内田恵太郎教授に深謝の意を表すると共に, 材料の蒐集及び人工授精実験に当り色々な御援助を頂いた山口県内海水産試験場前川兼祐場長, 八柳健郎技師, 及び佐賀県水産試験場稲並芳幸場長, 同有明分場脇田二郎場長, 山口正市技師はじめ同場員の方々, 貴重な仔魚の標本を頂いた広島大学水産学科の日下部台次郎助教授の諸氏に心からお礼申し上げる.


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