躍動する精神(續) : 王國維の史學について

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  • Conscious Activity (II) --the historical studies of Wang Guo-wei
  • ヤクドウスル セイシン ゾク オウ コクイ ノ シ ガク ニ ツイテ
  • 躍動する精神(続) : 王国維の史学について



Generally speaking, the studies of Wang Guo-wei are divided into two periods of time, which is before or after the Xin-hai Ge-ming (辛亥革命). Before Xin-hai Ge-ming, he was considered to be the vanguard of the new era, trying to change the status quo in China. During this period of time, he felt a strong interest on the problem of "universal" in the field of philosophy and literature. On the other hand, in "Song Yuan Xi Qu Kao" (宋元戲曲考) which was regarded to be his best work, he tried to search for the essence of literature. In both cases, he refused to use a quick and easy method just to solve the present occasion. After Xin-hai Ge-ming, he turned to study ancient Chinese history. In his research, he was particular about trivial facts and developed many theories which was criticized as not concerning with the status quo in China. However, this change did not mean that he had shut himself away in the field of ancient China. In many writings on Yin Zhou (殷周) and the Western Regions (西域), such as "Liu Sha Zhui jian" (流沙墜簡), "Yin Xu Shu Qi Kao Shi (殷墟書契考釋)", "Yin Bu Ci Zhong Suo Jian Xian Wang Xian Gong Kao" (殷卜辭中所見先王先公考), "Meng Gu Kao" (萌古考), he confirmed to the idea that the development of Chinese culture had no limits. This is nothing but his fundamental standpoint relating to China. Wang Guo-wei regarded the historical change as inevitable, which meaned various attempts to create a new social system and tradition. Moreover, he based on this idea to take a new look at the past history of China. The comparison of excavated articles and well-known documents formed a new connection among each age. Therefore, Chinese history was no longer just a passage of time; but has great impacts on many preconceived ideas.


  • 中國文學報

    中國文學報 43 86-125, 1991-04



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