Who is supporting the Democracy in Pakistan, Military, Islam or Media?

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  • 山根 聡
    大阪大学大学院言語文化研究科教授 (ウルドゥー文学, 南アジア・イスラーム論)

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  • <特集論文>パキスタンの民主政権を支えるのは軍か, イスラームか, メディアか?

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Who is supporting the Democracy in Pakistan, Military, Islam or Media? This paper examines several factors which have supported democracy or democratization in Pakistan by surveying its political and social history. Pakistan has experienced the military regime for almost half of its history and recently in 2008, democratic general election was held for the first time after the completion of term of national assembly without any disruption by coup or dissolution and in 2013, after the completion of the term of democratically elected government, a new government was established by the general election. This seems that the democracy in Pakistan has now been undergoing evolution. But we have to keep in our minds that democracy in Pakistan is not totally a popular participation-type one but is supported by some other factors that provide a protection of national territory and keep a national ideology as an Islamic country. Although the military government generally has a negative image, some of military governments in Pakistan were politically supported by international community and those governments could achieve economic developments by the international supports. This was brought by not only the internal politics but also an international context such as a proxy war in Afghanistan in 1980s or anti-terror war after 2001. Military governments could receive a huge political and economic assistance from the international community by chance, which brought a special procurement boom. And religious organizations also could develop their political force under the name of jihad during the anti-Soviet war. Besides, media has been playing a key role in the democratization especially in the democratic government in these days. Thus, democratization in Pakistan has been slowly going forward through the complicated antagonization among the government, military, religious organizations and media. This paper tries to describe the characteristics of political environment of Pakistan through the study of these influential factors.


  • 現代インド研究

    現代インド研究 5 53-68, 2015-02-27


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