<研究ノート>これからの時代の教職に求められる資質能力 --インドの事例を中心として--

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  • 渡辺 雅幸


  • <Notes>Abilities Required for Teachers: A Case Study of India
  • これからの時代の教職に求められる資質能力 : インドの事例を中心として
  • コレカラ ノ ジダイ ノ キョウショク ニ モトメラレル シシツ ノウリョク : インド ノ ジレイ オ チュウシン ト シテ



With the drastic environmental changes due to further progress globalization and information technology, it is an urgent task to train the ability to respond flexibly to these changes. Meanwhile, the ability is naturally required not only for children but also for college students in teacher training courses. This paper aimed to clarify the ability required for them by examining the framework and regulation related to the training curriculum, focusing on a case in India. As a result of the examination, college students are required to gain the ability to respond to new technologies and concepts such as active learning, ICT, gender, and inclusive education, like Japan. On the other hand, the framework also demands of them to review the Indian traditional culture and to have the ability to actively utilize it through yoga education, rather than taking a new method to respond to the severe change of the environment. However, there is still discussion about how to deal with yoga education in schools, concerning the existence of its religiousness. Clarifying the actual conditions will be a future task.


  • 地域連携教育研究

    地域連携教育研究 1 105-111, 2017-09-30



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