

  • Significance of Training at Day Nursery for Graduate Students Learning Clinical Psychology
  • リンショウ シンリ オ マナブ ダイガクインセイ ニ オケル ホイク ジッシュウ ノ イギ ニ ツイテ



Under the current curriculum at our school, the graduate students, learning clinical psychology, practice training on childcare at day nursery for about 5 months. The present study was undertaken to investigate the significance and efficacy of training at day nursery through an interview of 16 trainees. The records of interview for individual trainees were summarized and analyzed. The responses from trainees were checked for similarities and classified into several categories. The trainees tended to answer both “advantages” and “difficulties experienced” of the day nursery training within the framework of the category “infant comprehension.” Advantages pointed out by the trainees were “having an opportunity of learning infant’s development” and “learning insight into infant’s emotions.” Difficulties experienced by the trainees pertained to how to deal with problematic behaviors of infants and how to contact infants. To the question about “significance of day nursery training to you as an individual person,” the answers of the trainees were often related to the category “self?reflection.” The training at day nursery provided the trainees an opportunity of acquiring objective viewpoints and facilitating growth, confidence and learning. When asked about “significance of day nursery training for graduate students,” the trainees tended to answer the significance of the training as an opportunity for practical experience and facilitation of infant comprehension. The responses of individual trainees suggest that the trainees had the experience of being shaken during the training, including being impressed by their relationship to infants, elevating their sensitivity and increasing their understanding of children and themselves.




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