<Article>Family Structure Under Ch'in 秦 Dynasty and Fen-i-ling 分異令 of Shang-yang 商鞅
- Satake Yasuhiko
- 東京都立大学助教授
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- Other Title
- <論説>秦国の家族と商鞅の分異令
- 秦国の家族と商鞅の分異令
- シンコク ノ カゾク ト ショウ オウ ノ ブン イレイ
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There have been a good amount of studies concerning the family structure in the periods of Ch'in-Han 秦漢 dynasties. But, so far, it has never been agreed whether the basic form of the families in those periods is a simple family or a compound one. In this article, materialized mainly by the newly-found Yün-meng Ch'in-chien 雲夢秦簡, the structure of the family 家族 or the Tsung-tsu 宗族 under Ch'in dynasty during the period of Chan-Kuo 戦国 which is one of the issues of the aforementioned controversy, and the interrelation between those forms will be investigated. The investigation seems to indicate that under Ch'in government Tsung-tsu of three generations had been gradually dissolved since Ch'un-chiu 春秋 period, and that, influenced by Fên-i-ling of Shang-yang there began to spread the simple family in effect whose most intimate kinship meant parents, wife, children and brothers. It may also be assumed that that, starting from the family structure like that, the paternalistic family was growing through Han 漢 period, supported by spread of livestock husbandry, and also Hao-tsu 豪族 or powerful clans were under formation.
- 史林
史林 63 (1), 1-29, 1980-01-01
THE SHIGAKU KENKYUKAI (The Society of Historical Research), Kyoto University
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390853649776256256
- NII Article ID
- 120006597173
- NII Book ID
- AN00119179
- 2433/238534
- 2110709
- 03869369
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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