<Articles>On Ssu-ma Kuang 司馬光's the Li-nien-tu 歴年図 and the T'ung-chih 通志
- INABA Ichiro
- 関西学院大学文学部教授
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- <論説>『歴年図』と『通志』 : 『資治通鑑』の成立過程に関する一考察
- 「歴年図」と「通志」--「資治通鑑」の成立過程に関する一考察
- レキネンズ ト ツウシ シジ ツガン ノ セイリツ カテイ ニ カンスル イチ
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There were nearly 1500 volumes of the histories in the Chi-Chu'an 紀伝 form in China in Ssu-ma Kuang's time mainly due to the many redactions produced between the T'ang 唐 and Northern Sung 北宋 periods. Ssu-ma Kuang, aware of the importance of the burgeoning interest in the Chun-ch'iu 春秋. summarized the contents of these histories and compiled them into a chronicle called the Tzu-chih-t'ung-chien 資治通鑑. His purpose was to get busy emperors to learn Chinese history easily. Before compiling the chronicle, he had written the Li-nien-tu to be complement his curriculum. The Li-nien-tu, which is now gathered into the Chi-ku-lu 稽古録 from volume 11 to volume 16, was originally written as an independent work. The contents from volume 11 to volume 15 consist of concise records of many matters of grave concern and his reviews of each dynasty. The contents of volume 16, in the style of the preface, are Ssu-ma Kuang's review of monarchs and laws or categories of the history which he had grasped through the researches of many histories in the Chi-Ch'uan form. These results were developed into the T'ung-chih, specifically, the Tzu-chih-t'ung-chien.
- 史林
史林 74 (4), 461-483, 1991-07-01
THE SHIGAKU KENKYUKAI (The Society of Historical Research), Kyoto University
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390853649776443264
- NII Article ID
- 120006597692
- NII Book ID
- AN00119179
- 2433/239134
- 3410823
- 03869369
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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