臨安の陸游 : 都城の孤獨

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  • 陸游在臨安--都城中的孤獨
  • Lu You 陸游 in Lin'an 臨安 : Loneliness in the Capital
  • リンアン ノ リクユウ : トジョウ ノ コドク
  • 臨安の陸游 : 都城の孤独



Lu You , a poet in the Southern Song 南宋 spent much of his lifetime at his hometown in Shanyin 山陰. More than two thirds of the poetry which exists today was composed during this period at home. The journey to the Shu 蜀 province and his experience there had a significant influence on his creative activity in poetry, as is symbolized by the fact that he named his own book of poetry "Jiannan shigao 劍南詩稿". Compared with it, the number of the poems which he had composed in the capital city Lin'an 臨安 is not so large so that only a relatively few works are known widely with a few exceptions. In the first place, he did not seem to have liked cities in that he did not appreciate things and places of the city. Compared with the works at home and in the Shu province, there is sense of isolation wafting through in the works composed in the capital. However, if we look at it from the other side, these works can be said to have expressed his awareness of the world as if it were a negative print. Moreover, looking at it even closer, his recognition of the city seems to have changed in a delicate sense from time to time. Tracing these changes, we can get an understanding of the mind of Lu You who always kept himself apart from the world, and above all the vulgarity of this world.


  • 中國文學報

    中國文學報 86 39-56, 2015-10



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