- タイトル別名
- Score Reading Reconsidered : Maintaining the Fixed-Do Solfége While Replacing the Movable-Do Solfége with the Hi-fu-mi (numerical) Reading System
- ショウホウ サイコウ : コテイ ド ソンチ,オヨビ イドウ ド ダイタイアン ト シテ ノ ヒフミショウホウ フッカツ ノ テイアン
Many of researchers and practitioners have suggested that the movable-do solfége is the most preferable reading system; however, no consensus exists regarding music-reading systems, especially between advocates of movable-do (scale-degree) system and those of the fixed-do (note-name) system. Pianos and electric keyboards are widespread in Japanese homes; in families that own one of these instruments, children who possess absolute pitch tend to use the fixed-do system and not the movable-do system. However, the same do-re-mi syllables should not be used in both the fixed-do and movable-do systems. Therefore, important related questions are as follows. (1) Which system is preferable? Or are both the note-name and scale-degree systems necessary in music education? (2) If the same do-re-mi syllables should not be used in both the movable-do and fixed-do systems, what are the alternatives? Through addressing these questions, the present study suggests that children of primary school age or younger should use the fixed-do system; junior high or high school students should use the movable-do system. Moreover, as with the pitch-name system, the fixed-do system should be officially maintained, whereas the movable-do system should be replaced with the old hi-fu-mi (numerical) degree-name system.
- 音楽文化教育学研究紀要
音楽文化教育学研究紀要 27 1-8, 2015-03-20
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390853649782381184
- 120005588069
- AA11546850
- 10.15027/36940
- 026330740
- 13470205
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles
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