On the Text of History of Itsukushima (Shelf C Manuscript): Reading the Manuscript as a Text Syncretic with the Itsukushima Shrine Archives Manuscripts

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  • 『厳嶋御縁記』(架蔵C本)の本文について : 厳島神社蔵本と同系統の一伝本として
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This is a textual examination of a manuscript in the author’s possession titled History of Itsukushima [Itsukushima Goengi]. It is a distinctive volume, its text varying considerably from standard manuscripts of the general title History of Itsukushima [Itsukushima Engi], which recount the origin of the Itsukushima Shrine. Through a close reading of texts of relevant manuscripts, this article will both clarify the distinctiveness of this manuscript while also demonstrating how it belongs to the same category and bears a similar textuality as the manuscripts housed in the Itsukushima Shrine archives.


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