能と狂言のはざまで -舞う心と舞わぬ心- その1.


  • Between Noh and Kyogen : The Heart that Dances and the Heart that does not Dance, Part One
  • Between Noh and Kyogen:The Heart That Dances and the Heart That Does Not Dance



Noh and Kyogen, the two brother theatre arts from the medieval Japan, are both holistic theatre arts in which acting is closely intertwined with aural and dvisual elements, though at varying degrees. Dance is one crucial non-verbal element that distinguishes Noh, in particular, from Occidental theatres. Kyogen also has dance in a number of plays. There are similarities and differences between Noh and Kyogen dance. ln this treatise varying degrees of Noh and Kyogen dance will be examined, ranging from a situational dance,a theatrical dance that delineates the character's state of mind, and a theatrical dance that sublimates the motif of the play. Considerations will also be given to the theatrical motivations behind Noh and Kyogen dance--when dance happens, why it happens, and when dance does not happen, why it does not. The treatise will be in two parts.


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