

  • ワーク ライフ バランス カラ キャリア ライフ フィット エ
  • From Work-Life Balance to Career-Life Fit



This paper discusses about diversity and inclusion that is an imperative human resources’ issue in corporate America. In the United States, they began to promote managing diversity in the 1990s, and developed it to diversity and inclusion in the early 2000s. When we see corporate Japan, diversity has been taken into consideration as a business subject. However, we cannot see any introduction of the idea of inclusion there. In order to really understand managing diversity, it is inevitable to understand inclusion. So, first of all, we make it clear why diversity and inclusion are together referred to in corporate America. Upon understanding it, we then discuss some advancing policies of diversity and inclusion which have been advocating and practicing changes of organization and culture so as to match the world of work globally changing. The point is a paradigm shift from the corporate ladder to the corporate lattice and from the work-life balance to the career-life fit. We see limitations in the work-life balance which many corporations have adopted, and the introduction of the concept and means of Mass Career CustomizationTM (MCC) will enable career-life fit and solve the limitations.




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