

  • マイクロバブル タンサンヨク ノ ストレスコーピング ブッシツ サンセイ コウカ
  • Microbubble CO2 bathing induced stress-coping substances



We had previously reported that mice given bathing stress produce humoral lipids for coping the stress, and that mice given repeated immunization stress produce an adaptogenic humoral lipid for preventing the anaphylactic death. We thus hypothesized that human given bathing stress might produce adaptogenic humoral lipids preventing mouse anaphylactic death.  In the present study, we gave bathing stress to lower legs of healthy volunteers, and examined whether their humoral lipid fractions prevent mouse anaphylactic death. Eight healthy volunteers were given microbubble CO2 bathing stress in their lower legs, and their blood samples were collected and lipids were fractionated. Four days after later the same volunteers were given bathing stress without bubble in their lower legs and had blood sampling for lipid fractionation. In the volunteers given microbubble CO2 bathing, 200 μl of the humoral lipid fraction eluted with 100 mMNaCl, and 200 or 150 μl of the humoral lipid fraction eluted with 250 mMNaCl, prevented mouse anaphylactic death.  When humoral lipid fractions were prepared from the blood of volunteers given bathing stress without bubble, 200 μl of the humoral lipid fraction eluted with 100 mMNaCl and 200 μl of the humoral lipid fraction eluted with 250 mMNaCl prevented mouse anaphylactic death. These indicate that the volunteers given the bathing stresses produced an adaptogenic humoral lipid preventing mice anaphylactic death in the fraction eluted with 100 mMNaCl or 250 mMNaCl, and that lipid in the 250 mMNaCl fraction was more produced in the volunteers given microbubble CO2 bathing stress. The present findings would suggest the microbubble bathing has a clinical potential on human in stressful situation.


  • 秋田医学

    秋田医学 44 (1), 45-49, 2017-06-30




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