

  • Cross-cultural Quizzes in the ELF Classroom



Learning a language is interlinked with learning culture. In ELF classrooms, cultural topics are important and inevitable because students interact with their non-Japanese instructors regularly and they both share similar or different views in class. It is said that lack of cultural knowledge or unfamiliarity with other people’s cultures could affect the quality and exchange of communication and interaction in class (Merrouche, 2010). Hence, there is a need to integrate and discuss cultural topics in the classroom in order to increase intercultural understanding of one’s own culture and other cultures that facilitates the process of building cultural connections and communication (Frank, 2013; Merrouche, 2010; Oxford, 1994). This paper details and explains the use of cross-cultural quizzes as interactive and practical classroom activities that are perceived to be interesting and highly engaging for language learners (Cullen & Sato, 2000) with the goal of increasing students’ cultural interest, linguistic knowledge and learning, and intercultural communicative competence.


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