矢口一彡年譜稿 ―上毛八幡矢口家蔵書から―


  • A biographical sketch of Yaguchi Issan:Based on the book collection of the Yaguchi family in Yawata, Gunma Prefecture
  • ヤグチ イチサンネンプコウ : ジョウモウ ハチマンヤグチ カゾウショ カラ



矢口一彡(一七八七~一八七三)は、群馬県八幡八幡宮の神職を継ぎ、神官の地位の復権に尽力するかたわら、俳諧宗匠として活躍した。一多は、はじめ地元高崎の平花庵の点取俳諧に遊んだと考えられ、のち、天保三大家の一人と称された鳳朗(鶯笠)に出会ってからは、その熱心な門人となった。芭蕉百五十回忌の記念として、八幡宮社前に鳳朗の揮毫による芭蕉句碑を建立。その後も生涯にわたって俳諧宗匠・寺子屋宗匠として地域の啓蒙に努めた。矢口家の蔵書には当主による書写年代の書き入れのあるものが多数あり、本稿はそれをもとに矢口一彡の活動を年譜形式にまとめたものである。一彡による集書は、実際につながりのあった人々との俳諧活動などの交流を通じたものが多く、収蔵された俳書や句稿は、在村文化の様相を知る上でも有益である。 Yaguchi Issan (1787-1873) succeeded the Sinto priest of Yawatahachiman-gu shrine in Gunma Prefecture. He not only made his best endeavors for the improvement of Sinto priests’ rights, but also lived actively as a teacher of haikai. At the beginning of his career, as a member of the Heika-an group in his hometown, Takasaki, Issan enjoyed Tentori-haikai. Tentori-haikai is a kind of haikai competition that awards prizes to three excellent participants who attain the highest scores. Later when he met Horo, one of the three great haiku poets in Tempo period, he became an eager pupil. To commemorate the 150th anniversary of Basho’s death, Issan erected Basho’s stone tablet in front of Yawatahachiman-gu shrine. The stone was inscribed with Basho's haiku in Horo's handwriting. Throughout his life, he dedicated himself to educating the people of the local areas as a haikai teacher and also as a Terakoya teacher. In this paper, I made a chronology of Issan's life by studying his signatures and memos which he wrote in his collection of books.


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