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  • For development of an ESD-based teacher training program on climate change : overlooking geo-phenomena on various timescales
  • キコウ ヘンドウ ニ カンスル ESD キョウシ キョウイク カイハツ エ ムケテ : サマザマ ナ ジカン スケール ノ チガク ゲンショウ ノ フカン



Since the recent climate change is an important topic in the context of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and ESD (Education for Sustainable Development), teacher training course should produce educators with sufficient geo-literacy. In order to meet this requirement, the authors have designed a study plan that facilitates students’ better understanding of current climate change issues, which will be offered in a lecture at university by two speakers who have different specialties, paleoenvironmental science and meteorology. Summary of the lecture is as follows. At first, from the branch of paleoenvironmental science, a major cooling event at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary and the glacial-interglacial cycles in the Quaternary will be explained. We will then instruct the participants to compare these climatic events with recent global warming, in order to remind them of the extraordinary higher speed of the recent climate change than climatic events in the geological past. Followed by these global topics, climatological features in East Asia including Japan (e.g. regional/seasonal difference in climate and year-to-year variations) will be demonstrated in order to relate local issues to global ones. By these efforts, the lecture aims to cultivate students’ ability to grasp geophenomena from various aspects and understand the true nature of problems, which may contribute producing educators who can execute ESD programs.




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