Considerations regarding system configuration and necessary conditions for radio signal hiding in wireless communications
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- 無線通信における無線信号秘匿のシステム構成と所要条件に関する検討
- ムセン ツウシン ニオケル シンゴウ ヒトク ノ システム コウセイ ト ショヨウ ジョウケン ニカンスル ケントウ
- ムセン ツウシン ニ オケル ムセン シンゴウ ヒトク ノ システム コウセイ ト ショヨウ ジョウケン ニ カンスル ケントウ
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Recently, physical layer security has attracted attention in the area of wireless communication; the main technology was a secret key agreement and secret information transmission using radio propagation. Radio signal hiding, which applies the concept of steganography to wireless communication is proposed, and is called radio steganography. However, systematic examination of system configuration and the necessary conditions for radio signal hiding was insufficient. This paper explains the concept of radio signal hiding and clarifies the problem of steganography for wireless communication. Next, a system configuration, the attack model for an eavesdropper, and the necessary conditions are examined for realization of radio signal hiding. Moreover, radio signal hiding using multiple antennas is proposed, and improvement of tolerance to stegonalysis of a proposed system is examined. Furthermore, the function of the stego-key confidentiality is considered.
- 同志社大学理工学研究報告
同志社大学理工学研究報告 55 (2), 122-133, 2014-07-31
Science and Engineering Research Institute of Doshisha University
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390853649844261760
- NII Article ID
- 110009821596
- NII Book ID
- AN00165868
- 025758781
- 00368172
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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