Government Management of the Beiping (Beijing) City Public Archives in the Post-war Period

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  • 戦後における中華民国北平(北京)市政府の公文書管理
  • センゴ ニ オケル チュウカミンコク キタヘイ(ペキン)シセイ フ ノ コウブンショ カンリ

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本稿では、中国北京市档案館所蔵の中華民国北平市政府档案(アーカイブズ)に基づき、文書のライフサイクルに沿って、戦後(1945 〜1949)における北平市政府公文書作成、整理、保存、移管、接収等の段階を考察し、その公文書管理の実態を明らかにした。 北平市政府は戦後、公文書処理の効率化を目指し、戦前・戦時中の文書改良の成果を継承しながら、さまざまな取り組みを試みた。また、戦時中の散逸、盗難等を経て、秩序が乱れた文書に対し、北平市政府は戦後における憲政移行の動きに対応しつつ、組織構成および職掌を基点とした分類編成を行った。一方、当該文書は保存の面では不備があり、現場の管理者による勝手な廃棄をもたらす場合もあった。移管に関しては、北平市政府は所管の公文書の一部を国のアーカイブズである国史館と、国民党のアーカイブズである国民党党史編纂委員会に史料として提供した。 当該档案は中華人民共和国成立後、北京市档案館に移された。同館は当該文書群の原秩序に基づいた編成をし、アーカイブズの公開利用やデジタル化等に力を注いでいるが、記述には改善の余地があると考えられ、歴史学とアーカイブズ学のさらなる連携が求められる。 This article, by tracing the lifecycle of documents belonging to the Republic of China Beiping Municipal Archives (now part of the Beijing Municipal Archives), seeks to elucidate the production, organization, preservation, transferal, requisition, and overall management of documents drawn up by the Beiping (now Beijing) municipal government during the post-war period (1945 to 1949). Once the war had ended, the Beiping municipal government, drawing on efforts to improve archives made both before and during the war, continued to experiment with a number of strategies aimed at making the organization of their archives more efficient. The archives had suffered dearly during the war: many documents had been lost, others had been stolen; no sense of organizational order remained. Consequently, the municipal government, in response to the transition towards constitutional government, adopted a method of archival classification founded upon organizational structures and clearly-defined professional duties. Even so, considering the poor state of preservation at the time, it was sometimes the case that those responsible for managing the archives discarded documents without consulting those above them. When transferring documents, the Beiping municipal government provided material to both the Academia Historica (Guoshiguan), a national archive, as well as the Kuomintang Historical Committee (Guomindang dangshi bianzuan weiyuanhui), an archive operated by the Kuomintang. With the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, these archival materials were transferred to the municipal archives at Beijing, where they were organized in precisely the same manner in which they had been organized before the transfer. These documents were then made publically available in the form of digitalized files. Despite ongoing efforts, there is still room for improvement: more intimate cooperation between historiography and archival studies is required.


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