英語圏人文地理学における「酒精・飲酒・酩酊」に関する研究動向 : 日本における今後の事例研究に向けて

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  • エイゴケン ジンブン チリガク ニオケル シュセイ インシュ メイテイ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ ドウコウ ニホン ニオケル コンゴ ノ ジレイ ケンキュウ ニ ムケテ

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I はじめに : 本稿は、英語圏人文地理学において近年盛んになってきている「酒精・飲酒・酩酊」に関する研究動向を把握することを目的とする。……

This paper reviews recent research in geographies of alcohol, drinking, and drunkenness, which is increasingly becoming an emerging field within Anglophone human geography. By examining writings on alcohol and drinking in major Anglophone geography dictionaries, encyclopedias and handbooks, this paper points out that these topics were gradually raised and discussed in the field of urban social geography after the beginning of the 2000s. This trend became evident after notable national themed-conferences were hosted at several universities and theme sessions were held at the RGS-IBG meeting in London, UK. Subsequently, several edited volumes and co-authored books on related topics were published by British geographers. This paper pays particular attention to Alcohol, Drinking, Drunkenness: (Dis)Orderly Spaces, written by Mark Jayne, Gill Valentine and Sarah Holloway. Comprised of articles previously published in various academic journals, the book covers diverse aspects of the topic, such as the city, the country side, home, gender, ethnicity, generations, emotions, and bodies. Although brewing and distilling alcoholic beverages and drinking practices in Japan had previously been examined by Japanese geographers, their focus were often limited to the interpretation of cultural contexts and lacked a critical perspective, especially in terms of the effects of alcohol and drinking on cities and societies. Meanwhile, research on alcohol, drinking, and drunkenness have been increasingly published by non-geographers in Japan. Professionals in international organizations, such as the WHO, as well as academic scholars in medicine, sociology, and policy studies are starting to examine how alcohol and drinking has negative consequences for Japanese society. In addition, the social environment is changing, as Japan will host the 2020 summer Olympics and millions of foreign tourists are expected to visit Japan, making controlling drinking and drunkenness the target of further scrutiny. This paper concludes by arguing that geographers have a critical role to play in understanding alcohol, drinking, and drunkenness in Japan.


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