- タイトル別名
- An Examination of Studies over the Last 10 Years of Nursing Students with End-of-Life Care Experience: Students’ Emotions, Changes, and Education and Necessary Educational Support
- 終末期ケアを体験した看護学生を対象とする過去10年の研究論文の検討 : 学生の感情・変化と学び・求められる教育的支援
- シュウマツキ ケア オ タイケン シタ カンゴ ガクセイ オ タイショウ ト スル カコ 10ネン ノ ケンキュウ ロンブン ノ ケントウ : ガクセイ ノ カンジョウ ・ ヘンカ ト マナビ ・ モトメラレル キョウイクテキ シエン
In this study, based on a review of 51 studies published over the last 10 years of nursing students with end-of-life care training experience, we organized and examined the descriptions of students’ feelings, changes, and education as well as the educational support they need. We reconfirmed that during end-of-life care training, students had a variety of negative emotions. However, through their experience, students acquired a deeper, more complex understanding of their patients. They also learned about the meaning of detailed care provided to facilitate everyday life activities, that is, they learned that this kind of care protects the dignity of the patient and promotes relationship building. Additionally, these realizations guided students to a deepened and broadened view of life and death. To accomplish this, earlier research suggests that support enabling nursing students to confront their negative emotions on the spot or, through trial and error, to gain experience of success, is required. We confirmed the details of the support given as determined in previous studies. End-of-life care training is often perceived as a difficult and extreme form of training, but in fact there are learning prototypes that nursing students should acquire. In any specialty, in order to reduce the burden on the patients who are under the students’ care and make the training rewarding for both the students and the patients, offering support to help students experience fewer negative emotions and promoting student awareness and understanding are necessary. As a result of investigations that highlight the characteristics of previously completed clinical training, future research on end-of-life care training will focus on offering and evaluating effective support.
- 北海道生命倫理研究
北海道生命倫理研究 8 21-30, 2020-03-31