『新勅撰和歌集』除棄歌のゆくえ : 『続後撰和歌集』の撰集から


  • 『 シン チョクセン ワカシュウ 』 ジョキカ ノ ユクエ : 『 ゾク ゴセンワカシュウ 』 ノ センシュウ カラ
  • The Whereabouts of the Wakas that were Removed from Shinchokusenwakashū



Shinchokusenwakashū is the 9th chokusen wakashū that Gohorikawain ordered Teika Fujiwara to select. However, Gohorikawain died on August 6, 2nd year of Tenpuku, and Teika burned the draft at home. In late October, Michiie searched for a book that had remained in the hands of Gohorikawain. On November 9, Teika received an order for modern composers. According to Hyakurensho, more than 100 heads had been deleted and some new wakas had been selected. A book written in March during the 2nd year of Bunryaku was passed from Tameie to Michiie. Tameie performed the resurrection of the wakas in the 10th chokusen wakashū. Several proofs were given on the premise that Teika had selected alternative wakas that would replace the deleted wakas.


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