Rethinking Approaches to Conflict Transformation: Understanding the Zionist Identity Barrier to Peace in the Israel/Palestine Conflict




This article discusses how processes through which some Israeli and Diaspora Jews resist the state-inscribed national identity, Zionism, relate to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.This discussion is held against the backdrop of a critical approach to the modern international system of states, and its influence in engendering and maintanance of the conflict.This article also challenges views which consider the concept of identity as either static, or, if dynamic, too complex to consider, discarding it from political context analisys. It points out the importance of taking the identity factor into account in approaches to conflict resolution.The processes described in this article exposes the non-essential nature of Zionist national identity, and the challenges that Individuals going through it face in dealing with the larger Jewish majority which sustains the state-inscribed identity. Defensive reactions on the part of the Jewish majority and the state attempt to delegitimize such individuals. Conversely, data from a field research realized by the author of this article show these claims are void. They show such changes come about as consequence of gaining awareness of contradictions between the declared values in the nationalistculture and the realities it produces on the ground.This article also points to the problems derived from amalgamtion of Jewish and Zionist identities, and their uses in delegitimizing discenting voices.The article points out that not all reactions to gaining awareness of incongruences are the same, optionsoften being made between keeping one’s moral values and relinquishing one’s identity, or keeping identity and relinquishing one’s values, wihch in the case of Israeli and Diaspora Jews, means becoming more radicalized, often assuming openly racist convictions. Relation between identity and morality are drawn from writings of various authors, pointing out how the importance of moral coherence in identitarian affiliation. Political knowledge is discussed in terms of how awareness of changes in historical narrative of facts can reflect on one’s world views. Zionism is critiqued by looking at three of its pillars: Jewishness, security / militarism, and hegemonic Zionism, exposing patterns that Zionism has of modern European nationaisms, a victimhood mentality and a dominant Colonialist or Orientalist world view.The unsuspecting trust with which Israeli and Diaspora Jews accept this dicorsively-constructed and state-inscribednational identity complicates addressing the distortions in perception as well as Jewish responsibilities in the conflict. Few become aware of the discrepancies mentioned, go through an identity crisis a which usually takes. The majority that does not have the opportunity to go through such process, remain with a national identity which does not share many of the universal values as most of international community, and classically liberal principles of citizenship that would forbid discrimination on any basis are seen to them as ‘destructive’ of the Jewish state. Approaches to conflict resolution, which traditionally do not take into identity dinamics, are doomed to continuousely deal with defensive / aggressive stances prompted by perception of threat. Such approaches tend to focus on negotiating between the sides, while investing in intiatives which attempt to universalize particualristic values within the identity-driven society would contribute more to a real shift in the situation. Such initiatives are civil society iniciatives within the Jewish constituency composed of individuals who went through the processes describes in this article.Such intra-Jewish uni-national initiatives for change show greater potential than bi-national negotiation.


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