How to use indefinite articles in English : For Chinese and Japanese students staying in Japan

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  • 英語における不定冠詞の使用方法について : 日本に滞在する中国人留学生と日本人学生を研究対象に
  • エイゴ ニ オケル フテイ カンシ ノ シヨウ ホウホウ ニ ツイテ : ニホン ニ タイザイ スル チュウゴクジン リュウガクセイ ト ニホンジン ガクセイ オ ケンキュウ タイショウ ニ

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[SUMMARY] In this literature, previous research has found that L2 English learners whose L1 do not have articles feel difficulty in choosing a correct article. Studies have shown that L2 learner errors are not random but limited by definiteness and specificity in a given semantic context. Then, interlanguage and idiosyncratic dialects are important to L2 English learners. Data analyses show that we should to be concerned with the individual differences and external effects among L2 learners. Individual differences are divided to five points. They are language transfer, language interference transfer, strategies of communication, transfer of training and psychological cognitive element. Transfer of training is also called induced error. Finally, we have noticed the influence of education on articles and propose that the acquisition of indefinite articles in English is even more important.


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