

  • ショウニ ゲカ ト ワタクシ
  • Pediatric Surgery and Me



type:TOHO University Scholarly Publication


学生時代に小児外科を志した私が,小児外科医となりじきに37年が過ぎようとしている.小児外科医人生の2/3を一施設(群馬県立小児医療センター)で過ごしてきたが,節目毎に恩師と呼ぶべき複数の先生方が存在する.いずれの先生方も学問に情熱を傾け,病めるこども達のためにより良い治療を模索し続け一生を捧げてきた敬愛すべき先生である.一人目の先生は寡黙で何事にも厳しい先生であったが,基本的な(外科)医師としての態度や考え方を教えられ,2番目の恩師の生きざまからは研究の重要性と論文執筆の大切さと楽しさに気付かされた.残念ながらこのお二人には私の東邦大学への赴任の知らせを伝えることはできなかった.さて,最後の恩師は外科医ではなかったが,慣れない大学での私を多方面から支えて下さり,小児外科を盛り立てて頂いた.現役生活の最後が近づき,今更ながらこれら恩師の先生方との出会い故に今の自分があるのだと思う.ABSTRACT: I aspired to be a pediatric surgeon when I was in medical college. It will soon be 37 years since I in fact became a pediatric surgeon. I have spent 2/3 of my career as a pediatric surgeon at a single facility (Gunma Children's Medical Center), but there have been several teachers, who I call mentors, at each milestone in my career. All of these teachers deserve respect for putting their heart and soul into teaching and devoting their lives to the continuing quest to find better treatments for sick children. My first mentor was a taciturn teacher who was strict about everything, but he taught me the basics of how to behave and think like a physician (surgeon). I became aware of the importance of research and the value and joy of writing papers (in English) from the way in which my second mentor lived. Unfortunately, I was unable to inform either of them of my posting to Toho University. My final mentor was not a surgeon, but he supported me in various ways at an unfamiliar university and he encouraged me into pediatric surgery. As I approach the end of my career, I believe that I am who I am because of the mentors I encountered.


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