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  • The Historical Development of Verb Movement in Nonfinite Clauses
  • ヒテイケイセツ ニ オケル ドウシ イドウ ノ レキシテキ ハッタツ



This paper investigates the distribution of negation in participial and gerundive constructions by employing historical corpora, and attempts to account for its historical development by relating it to the possibility of verb movement. It is revealed that participial constructions had verb movement to T and C in early English, exhibiting the configuration in which the participle precedes the negative not, as well as that in which the participle precedes the lexical subject in the absolute construction. It is argued that participle constructions came to have a full-fledged clause structure involving T and C in the mid-fourteenth century, which made possible verb movement to C by analogy with finite clauses featuring verb second. Then, the decline of verb second is shown to be responsible for the rise of verb movement to T under the minimalist analysis of verb movement proposed by Haeberli and Ihsane (2016). As participial constructions lost the CP layer in the eighteenth century, verb movement to T became impossible because it was triggered by the unvalued V-feature carried by C. Finally, it is claimed that verb movement has not been attested in gerundive constructions that have never developed the CP layer in the history of English.




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