小学校,中学校,高等学校の教員から見た学校体育の現状と問題点 -生涯スポーツにつながる授業を目指して-


  • ショウガッコウ,チュウガッコウ,コウトウ ガッコウ ノ キョウイン カラ ミタ ガッコウ タイイク ノ ゲンジョウ ト モンダイテン : ショウガイ スポーツ ニ ツナガル ジュギョウ オ メザシテ
  • The Current Situation and the Problems of Education at Elementary, Junior High and High School from the Point of View of Teachers -Aimed at a Lesson Leading to Lifelong Sports-





In this study, we have examined how physical education plays a role to lead to lifelong sports. Also, we suggest physical education curricula which encourage improvement as students progress from elementary school to high school. The purpose of this study is to suggest how physical education can be taught in a better way from now on. We, at first, conducted a survey on teachers of elementary school, junior high school, and high school, analyzed it, made it clear how well teachers understand the current education being taught at school and what sort of problems they have, and clarified the important points in creating curricula. As a result, the following four problems came to light; teachers, facilities and equipment, students and lessons. For students to lead a healthy life, it is most important to confirm the purposes of physical education again, and it should not be a single teacher that makes a lesson plan but all the teachers of a school should discuss it. In short, it is essential for elementary, junior high, and high schools to exchange information and create and organize curricula.


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