

  • マルチメディア DAISY ノ カツヨウ デ ビジュツ カンショウ ニ オケル シコウリョク オ タカメル ガクシュウ シドウ ノ ケンキュウ : オンセイ ガイドブン ノ サクセイ カテイ ニ ICT オ カツヨウ スル ココロミ
  • Action Research on Application and Verification of Usefulness of Multimedia DAISY as a Tool Enhancing the Student's Thinking Power in Art Appreciation Study -Utilize ICT to Make a Sound Guide Sentence-





This study was verified effectiveness and problems of Multimedia DAISY as a tool for enhancing the student's thought in appreciation study. I pointed out by L,S.Vygotsky, in the awkward age, they develop their own conceptual thinking and they have to have a training by written language for enhancing this thinking. So I made a hypothesis that Multimedia DAISY can be made use of their compositions in appreciation study in general education. I made a project to make sound guide sentence of a work"The Immaculate Conception" by EL GRECO as a teaching material and made them improve their own composition and their friend's each other with Multimedia DAISY. As a result, it was lead to better support with the many student's literacy. On the other, it was needed to clarified transform of literacy skill by increase in time for verifying effectiveness of Multimedia DAISY.


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